
Client Testimonials

Scribe Testimonials

Sabrina Villamizar

My experience at Scrivas has helped me in many aspects of life. It has helped me mature, fall more in love with medicine and inspire me to push harder to reach my goal of becoming an MD. I have learned a lot more than I thought I would have and have built many relationships with professionals that I can look up to and will help/push me to reach my goals.

Sabrina Villamizar
ED Scribe

Samantha Rodriguez

Being a scribe has taught me underlying skills such as how to work in an intense environment, working under pressure, time management, thinking quickly on your feet, working efficiently as a team alongside your coworkers, and even planning ahead for your shift. Besides having had the chance to work in different health care environments, such as the emergency room, ambulatory care practices, and with adults and pediatrics, being a scribe allowed me the opportunity to observe and learn from physicians about different procedures, and even their thought process behind treating a patient. Overall, I am so grateful for the opportunities that working as a scribe has given me in preparation for my future career as a nurse.

Samantha Rodriguez
Pediatric ED Scribe

Marcello Immediato

I started working as a Scrivas scribe in August of 2019 for the breast oncology clinic and then moved to the genetics clinic in January 2020. Everyone I have worked with has always been welcoming and appreciative of my work. I have built such a great relationship with everyone that allows for great team cohesiveness and efficiency. As a scribe I have learned how to properly document physician notes, significantly increased my knowledge of medical terminology, witness physician-patient interactions every day and so much more. I love being a scribe and it has truly helped me in my own personal pursuit to becoming a physician.

Marcello Immediato
Oncology Specialty Scribe

Alexander Bolufer

Working as an ER scribe gave me an opportunity to work side-by-side with physicians, build relationships with them and learn from them. I learned a great deal about how physicians think, the challenges physicians face and how they overcome them. This experience made me stand out as a medical school applicant, as I was able to show that I understand much about the profession before having already entered it. While being a scribe is challenging at times, the rewards were immeasurable, and I will forever be grateful for this opportunity.

Alexander Bolufer
ED Scribe

Eleane Castano

As a medical scribe for Scrivas, I facilitate a physician's work day by, documenting all patient encounters. This allows physicians to truly devote all their attention to their patients rather than clerical duties, and therefore, save even more lives. As a future physician myself, scribing has provided me with the opportunity to begin learning about medicine before entering medical school. I get to learn from experienced doctors and mid-levels, as well as patients. I will continue to assist the wonderful physicians I work with and my hope is to be as amazing as they are, one day.

Eleane Castano
Cardiovascular Specialty Scribe

Alyssa Anteen

I started with this company four years ago this month and it has been one of the best experiences. This job has given me the opportunity to not only boost my resume but also learn from some of the most amazing and kind healthcare workers, including physicians, NPs, PAs, nurses, and techs in the ERs and Urgent Cares where I work. Trust me, the knowledge I have gained from scribing has given me the upper hand in nursing school.

Alyssa Anteen
Scribe Supervisor for Urgent Care