healthcare providers

How Medical Scribes Assist with the Recruitment of Healthcare Providers for Your Organization

With the demand for physicians and mid-level healthcare providers increasing, but the amount of applicants and actual providers decreasing, the market for acquiring talent has been increasingly difficult for many organizations. To make matters worse, a study by McKinsey shows nearly half (48%) of people are leaving their current jobs and moving to an entirely new industry. Worldwide, only 35% who quit in the last two years took on a new role in the same sector. With this large amount of turnover, partially due to burnout from COVID-19, and lowered prospective providers, talent acquisition teams throughout all healthcare organizations have been working harder and becoming more creative with reeling in talent.   There are numerous creative pitches being thrown at healthcare providers, with some organizations providing simple perks that may move the needle slightly forward. One perk, however, has not only been a special leverage mechanism for recruiters but also a perk that’s often sought out by prospective employees. Imagine hearing the following creative pitch, which essentially asks a prospective employee to decide whether they would be interested in the following scenario: “How would you like to come to work and leave on time? How would you like to have …

Healthcare providers discussing a patient's file.

3 Critical Tips for Healthcare Providers Working with Medical Scribes

The minds of healthcare providers operate much like your typical software computing system. In one sense, the average person only understands the various outputs of information provided and the front-end design of the system. However, what we don’t see in those systems and providers alike are the hundreds of thousands of decision points being processed internally. From managing numerous critical patients at a time, running through a long list of differential diagnoses for the patient in front of them, tracking lab results for the patients that have been seen, and being ready to take on the next person being brought in at any point in time, the average workday of a provider can feel overburdened and distracted from what’s most important: providing quality care.   Thankfully, with their inclusion in the healthcare field, medical scribes are not only able to provide efficient and effective charting, but they’re also capable of reducing the stressors and burdens of the provider by acting as an extension of their unnecessarily crowded minds.   The role of a medical scribe extends much further than just providing real-time documentation services. Medical scribes can be seen as the “Swiss Army Knife” of the healthcare field, as they …