Emergency and Urgent Care
Scribe utilization in the ER will result in increased efficiencies and a positive return on investment. In a financial analysis conducted by a national billing company, an ED staffed with Scrivas scribes increased wRVUs and E&M level coding by 10%, increased charges per patient 16%, and significantly increased the average number of patients seen per hour, along with an increase in physician satisfaction. The difference is that Scrivas takes the time to ensure high quality training through a best-in-industry training and quality assurance program.
Return On Investment
Increases RVUs
Increases E&M Levels
Increases in Charges
Increases in Patients per Hour
Decreases Admit Time
Decreases Patients Left Without Being Seen
Reduces Arrival To Physician Time
Reduces Door To Discharge Time
Reduces Patient Wait Time
Reduces Physician Charting Time
Increases Documentation Of Billable Criteria
Increases Eye Contact Between Patient And Provider
Hospitalists are looking for ways to decompress the ED by improving the admission process from the ED, along with improving their CMI on admitted patients. Pairing scribes with admitting hospitalists decreases time spent on admission H & Ps by almost 50% as demonstrated during a Scrivas hospital pilot program. The scribe assisted hospitalist decreased the time spent charting by about 50% as well. Additionally, published studies have shown that when scribes are partnered with hospitalists conducting rounds, CMI increased by .26 & 28 in two different hospitals. The hospitalists were able to see an extra 2-4 patients per day, all while reducing documentation burden and burnout.
Return On Investment
Increases Case Mix Index
Increases Admits Before Midnight
Reduces Patients' Length Of Hospital Stay
Increases Patients Seen Per Shift
Increase Admits Before Midnight
Reduces Full Time Equivalents
Improves Real-Time Documentation
Reduces Patents' Length Of Hospital Stay
Reduces Patient Wait Time
Reduces Physician Charting Time
Increases Documentation Of Billable Criteria
Ambulatory Care
Physicians in outpatient facilities are interested in ways that they can reduce the clerical burden, frequent interactions, and distractions that EMRs prompt, which lead to physician burnout and job dissatisfaction. Scribes alleviate a physician’s charting time which increases the number of patients seen per day, leading to decreased appointment windows. Scribes also reduce the number of clicks per day, improve physician-patient eye contact, and allow the physician to spend more time with patients instead of documentation.
Return On Investment
Increases Patients Per Hour
Reduces Physician Charting Time
Increases Documentation Of Billable Criteria
Reduces Full Time Equivalents
Reduces Patient Wait Time
Decreases Time To Next Appointment
Doctors Go Home On Time
Increases Direct Patient Care As Doctor Is Focused On Patient
Reduces Patient Wait Time
Doctors Go Home On Time
Increases Documentation Of Billable Criteria
Increases Eye Contact Between Patient And Provider