
Telemedicine and Medical Scribes

Telemedicine has quickly rose as a premier option for attaining care, with the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reporting 37% of adults age 18 and older utilizing this service at least once in the past twelve months. With the resurgence of COVID-19 and other respiratory pathogens, telemedicine has emerged as a powerful tool to bridge gaps in accessibility and enhance patient care.  The integration of medical scribes into the telemedicine framework has proven to be a strategic move in optimizing the efficiency of virtual healthcare encounters. This article explores the close partnership between telemedicine and medical scribes, supported by compelling statistics that highlight their impact on improving patient care. 1. The Increasing Climate of Telemedicine: The adoption of telemedicine has been rising exponentially, especially due to global health outbreak events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a report by McKinsey & Company, Telehealth utilization in the United States surged from 11% in 2019 to 46% in 2020. This dramatic increase reflects the growing acceptance of remote healthcare services among both patients and healthcare providers. Additionally, the usage of Telemedicine has also paved the way for on-demand care leading for better patient outcomes and satisfaction. As healthcare organizations …

medical scribe training

Medical Scribe Training: A Look into the Scrivas Didactic Training Program

John Dewey states, “education is not preparation for life, but rather, education is life itself.” Scrivas holds these values in true form by providing a robust three-day didactic training program to ensure all incoming scribes, regardless of prior educational background, are fully prepared to enter the healthcare workforce. The didactic program is one that Scrivas takes pride in, and understands that it is the true force behind what makes Scrivas one of the premier medical scribing companies in South Florida.  In the dynamic and complex landscape of healthcare, the role of medical scribes has become increasingly integral. These highly trained individuals assist healthcare providers in documenting patient encounters, assisting with clerical tasks in a variety of healthcare settings, and ensuring accurate and comprehensive medical records are developed in an efficient and timely manner. A didactic program for medical scribes is incredibly valuable, as most medical scribes are poised to use this role as an entrance point to the healthcare world; a world that requires sharp skills and an overwhelming amount of knowledge. This article explores the importance of structured education and training for individuals entering the healthcare field, specifically focusing on medical scribe training. Medical Scribe Training: A Look into …