medical scribe training

Medical Scribe Training: A Look into the Scrivas Didactic Training Program

John Dewey states, “education is not preparation for life, but rather, education is life itself.” Scrivas holds these values in true form by providing a robust three-day didactic training program to ensure all incoming scribes, regardless of prior educational background, are fully prepared to enter the healthcare workforce. The didactic program is one that Scrivas takes pride in, and understands that it is the true force behind what makes Scrivas one of the premier medical scribing companies in South Florida.  In the dynamic and complex landscape of healthcare, the role of medical scribes has become increasingly integral. These highly trained individuals assist healthcare providers in documenting patient encounters, assisting with clerical tasks in a variety of healthcare settings, and ensuring accurate and comprehensive medical records are developed in an efficient and timely manner. A didactic program for medical scribes is incredibly valuable, as most medical scribes are poised to use this role as an entrance point to the healthcare world; a world that requires sharp skills and an overwhelming amount of knowledge. This article explores the importance of structured education and training for individuals entering the healthcare field, specifically focusing on medical scribe training.

Medical Scribe Training: A Look into the Scrivas Didactic Training Program

Before we plunge into the didactic program, let us first understand the role of medical scribes. Medical scribes play a vital role in the healthcare system by mitigating physician burnout by reducing the burdens and added labor of documentation, which allows providers to focus on patient care and less on documentation and other clerical tasks. Additionally, medical scribes serve as an augmentation to the clinical process by providing general insight regarding the patient care status. Scribes are responsible for recording patient medical and social histories, physical examinations, orders, procedures, diagnoses, and other relevant information in real-time, all while simultaneously being able to siphon out the typical fillers of cordial conversation. The accuracy and efficiency of their work directly impact the quality and outcomes of patient care, the satisfaction and well-being of the providers, and the overall functioning of a healthcare facility. While on-the-job learning is valuable and often the area where most practical knowledge is developed, the importance of having a didactic training program cannot be overstated for medical scribe training. Think of a didactic training program as the on-the-job learning process before the actual on-the-job learning. A successful didactic program accurately captures the real-life scenarios that medical scribes will encounter. The complex and multi-faceted nature of healthcare documentation requires a strong understanding of medical terminology, anatomy, and basic chemistry and other general fields of science. Didactic training, which involves structured classroom instruction, often led by a medical professional as well as tenured medical scribes and billing personnel, is essential for medical scribes to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their roles. One final note to highlight prior to the initialization of the didactic program is that medical scribes are also initially vetted through multiple interview and skill assessment processes to ensure they are prepared for a role in healthcare. Once prospective scribes are interviewed and prepped for the didactic course, the medical scribes are provided with in-depth training with the following courses: 

  • Medical Terminology and Anatomy:

    • Didactic training programs provide comprehensive education on medical terminology, enabling scribes to accurately interpret and transcribe physician dictations.
    • Understanding human anatomy is crucial for contextualizing medical information and ensuring precise documentation.
  • HIPAA Compliance and Ethical Considerations:

    • Scribes must adhere to strict patient confidentiality standards outlined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Didactic training programs familiarize scribes with these regulations.
    • Ethical considerations, such as maintaining professionalism and respecting patient privacy, are emphasized during training.
  • Electronic Health Record (EHR) Proficiency:

    • Scribes work extensively with electronic health records (EHRs), necessitating proficiency in EHR systems. Didactic training equips them with the skills to navigate and utilize these systems efficiently.
    • Understanding the functionalities of EHRs contributes to accurate and streamlined documentation processes.
  • Medical Coding and Billing:

    • A solid foundation in medical coding and billing practices is crucial for medical scribes. Didactic training ensures that scribes understand the coding systems and billing procedures associated with medical documentation.
    • Accurate coding facilitates proper reimbursement and ensures financial viability for healthcare institutions.
  • Communication Skills:

    • Effective communication between scribes and healthcare providers is paramount. Didactic training programs include communication skills development to enhance collaboration and understanding between team members.
    • Clear communication contributes to accurate documentation and a cohesive healthcare team.

In conclusion, the implementation of didactic training programs for medical scribes is essential for ensuring the quality, accuracy, and efficiency of healthcare documentation. Additionally, these preparatory programs also allow medical scribes to be successfully acclimated to the various scenarios and situations one will face in their respective areas of the healthcare workforce. These programs provide a structured educational building block that expands further than the coveted on-the-job training. Didactic programs aim to equip medical scribes with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their roles and allow medical scribes to attain a level of mastery prior to joining the workforce.