
Telemedicine and Medical Scribes

Telemedicine has quickly rose as a premier option for attaining care, with the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reporting 37% of adults age 18 and older utilizing this service at least once in the past twelve months. With the resurgence of COVID-19 and other respiratory pathogens, telemedicine has emerged as a powerful tool to bridge gaps in accessibility and enhance patient care. 

The integration of medical scribes into the telemedicine framework has proven to be a strategic move in optimizing the efficiency of virtual healthcare encounters. This article explores the close partnership between telemedicine and medical scribes, supported by compelling statistics that highlight their impact on improving patient care.

1. The Increasing Climate of Telemedicine:

The adoption of telemedicine has been rising exponentially, especially due to global health outbreak events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a report by McKinsey & Company, Telehealth utilization in the United States surged from 11% in 2019 to 46% in 2020. This dramatic increase reflects the growing acceptance of remote healthcare services among both patients and healthcare providers. Additionally, the usage of Telemedicine has also paved the way for on-demand care leading for better patient outcomes and satisfaction. As healthcare organizations strive to implement telemedicine opportunities, global health sectors are also finding benefit in limiting the overall exposure of various illnesses and decreasing the overall modes for transportation of these viruses. 

2. Addressing Documentation Challenges:

While telemedicine offers unprecedented convenience, healthcare providers face unique challenges in virtual documentation. Medical scribes gallantly arrive at the forefront offering their services as highly trained professionals equipped to maneuver around electronic health records (EHRs) in any environment while ensuring accurate and real-time documentation. As providers become more accustomed to treating their patients over video instead of an in-person encounter, medical scribes provide a degree of assurance that documentation needs are still withholding a high standard. A study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research indicates that the use of medical scribes in telemedicine settings resulted in a 30% reduction in documentation time, allowing providers to focus more on patient interaction.

3. Augmenting Provider-Patient Engagement:

Telemedicine, when coupled with medical scribes, has demonstrated the potential to enhance and augment the provider-patient engagement. According to a survey conducted by the American Medical Association (AMA), 87% of physicians using medical scribes reported improved patient communication during virtual visits. This study highlights the pivotal role scribes play with facilitating meaningful interactions, even in unprecedented settings.

4. Enhancing Accuracy and Quality of Care Standards: 

Accurate, concise, and comprehensive documentation is imperative for managing high standards of care. A recent study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM) found that telemedicine encounters supported by medical scribes yielded a 25% improvement in documentation accuracy. This not only ensures the continuity of care but also contributes to better-informed decision-making by healthcare providers. 


With the synergy of telemedicine and medical scribes, healthcare executives need to find a powerful solution to enhance patient-centric care. The statistics presented highlight the palpable benefits of combining two key innovations; virtual care and medical scribes. The improved documentation accuracy, better patient outcomes, and reduced burnout to enhance provider-patient engagement, implementing medical scribes into the Telehealth workforce yields tremendous results for healthcare operations. As we venture forward, healthcare executives must recognize the potential of telemedicine and medical scribes as integral components of a modern, technology-driven healthcare ecosystem, committed to delivering optimal care to patients, regardless of physical boundaries and patient setting.