Scribing as a path to a career in healthcare.

How Medical Scribing Led Me to a Career in Healthcare

Scribing is a great entry point for anyone interested in learning about working in a health setting. Here’s how medical scribing helped one professional realize their path toward a career in healthcare.

Doug Cooper eloquently states, “A major life decision is never a choice but rather a realization that the decision has already been made.” For me, the decision to help those in need was already embedded in my mind before I could even decide on an exact career path.

While I was growing up, whenever someone asked me what I wanted to do as an adult, my immediate response was always, “healthcare.” The answer typically netted a few smiles with nods of validation. It wasn’t until I was filling out my college applications when my brother, a medical scribe turned physician assistant, replied with, “Yeah, but what in healthcare?” I didn’t have an answer for him, and even more daunting, I never really realized how robust the healthcare field was. I knew going into college I had to get my foot into the door of a hospital and truly investigate firsthand what the world of healthcare had to offer. Fortunately, through a career booth at my university, I was able to secure a position as a medical scribe at an emergency department.


My Medical Scribing Experience Offered a View of What a Career in Healthcare Could Be


It took exactly one shift to realize that a provider may change and help 30-40 lives a day, but those in administration change the lives of thousands of patients every day. My mind was set: with a heart tied to the clinical field, I continued to scribe and expressed my career goals to our Human Resources department, which provided several growth opportunities within Scrivas. I quickly moved from medical scribe to trainer, then to lead, and eventually, supervisor. Along with the promotional scale Scrivas offered, I was also given the opportunity to shadow and scribe at other facilities, lead didactic trainings, and even learn the operational side of the hospital setting.

Over time, Scrivas continued to provide me with opportunities to improve on my skills, and I was eventually promoted to manager. During my tenure as manager, I was indebted to Scrivas for not only allowing me to understand the operational aspect of the healthcare world but also allowing me to gain an edge with earning documentable clinical hours as a medical scribe.

As Scrivas continued to cultivate growth, I continued to grow alongside the company that had provided endless routes for success. The clinical experience, operational knowledge, and continuation for supportive growth have allowed me to venture off into one of the largest healthcare consulting firms in the nation, where I provide support to some of the world’s largest healthcare organizations.

Becoming a medical scribe was truly one of the best decisions I could have made when starting my pursuit into the healthcare field.